Chemoarchitecture details

Reports of presence of QSOX in CBX.
Reports of QSOX presence in CBX, normal physiological stateMairet-Coello G., Tury A., Esnard-Feve A., Fellmann D., Risold P.Y. & Griffond B. , 2004: FAD-linked sulfhydryl oxidase QSOX: topographic, cellular, and subcellular immunolocalization in adult rat central nervous system      Data
Cell pool position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of QSOX in CBXQualitative intensity per labeled cellAnnotationCollatorMetadata
molecular layer of cerebellar cortexleft hemispherelightstrongIn the cerebellum (Figs. 15, 16), rQSOX neurons were located in the deep nuclei and in the cerebellar cortex. In the cerebellar cortex, the Purkinje cells were unlabeled but several single, large, and intensely labeled perikarya, likely corresponding to the Golgi cells, were observed in the granular layer, these cells were very scattered in this layer and some were in close contact with the Purkinje cells. Finally, in the molecular layer, a great number of scattered cell bodies likely corresponding to the GABAergic interneurons were very weakly labeled.
granule layer of cerebellumleft hemispherelightlightIn the cerebellum (Figs. 15, 16), rQSOX neurons were located in the deep nuclei and in the cerebellar cortex. In the cerebellar cortex, the Purkinje cells were unlabeled but several single, large, and intensely labeled perikarya, likely corresponding to the Golgi cells, were observed in the granular layer, these cells were very scattered in this layer and some were in close contact with the Purkinje cells. Finally, in the molecular layer, a great number of scattered cell bodies likely corresponding to the GABAergic interneurons were very weakly labeled …
 immunohistochemistry data