Chemoarchitecture details

Reports of presence of KA1 in CBX.
Reports of KA1 presence in CBX, normal physiological stateWisden W. & Seeburg P.H., 1993: A complex mosaic of high-affinity kainate receptors in rat brain      Data
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemispherePattern of appearance in CBX Qualitative density of KA1 in CBXAnnotationCollatorMetadata
Purkinje neuroneverywhereunknownuniformlight/moderateAt the level of x-ray film analysis, both KA-1 and GluR-5 are present in the Purkinje cell layer (Fig. 6F,Z). Cellular resolution confirms that Purkinje cells (but not Bergmann glia) express GluR-5 and KA-1 transcripts (Figs. 4D,E; 7A). Collator note: see also Table 1 page 3584.
cerebellar granule celleverywhereunknownuniformnot presentCollator note: see Table 1 page 3584.
Golgi neuron, bigeverywherecontralateraluniformlightCollator note: see Table 1 page 3584.