Chemoarchitecture details

Reports of presence of H3 in CBX.
Reports of H3 presence in CBX, normal physiological statePillot C., Heron A., Cochois V., Tardivel-Lacombe J., Ligneau X., Schwatz J.-C. & Arrang J.-M., 2002: A detailed mapping of the histamine H3 receptor and its gene transcripts in rat brain      Data
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of H3 in CBXQualitative intensity per labeled cellAnnotationCollatorMetadata
Purkinje neuroneverywhereleft hemispherestrongstrongIn the cerebellum, hybridization performed at the cellular level shows a strong mRNA expression not only in most, if not all, Purkinje cells, but also in several central cerebellar nuclei, suggesting an important functional role of H3Rs in this brain region.
cerebellar granule cellgranule layer of cerebellumleft hemispherenot presentnot assignedThe hybridization signals in the granule cells were hardly detectable, making doubtful the high level of expression reportedin these cells with an oligoprobe (Drutel et al., 2001).