Chemoarchitecture details

Reports of presence of M2 in CBX.
Reports of M2 presence in CBX, normal physiological stateTayebati S.K., Vitali D., Scordella S & Amenta F., 2001: Muscarinic cholinergic receptors subtypes in rat cerebellar cortex:      Data

Vilaro M.T., Wiederhold K.-H., Palacios J.M. & Mengod G., 1992: Muscarinic M2 receptor mRNA expression and receptor binding in cholinergic and non-cholinergic cells in the rat brain: a correlative study using in situ hybridization histochemistry and receptor autoradiography      Data

Cell typeCell type position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of M2 in CBXAnnotationCollatorMetadata
Purkinje neuroneverywhereunknownexistsOur study has confirmed the presence of M2 receptor in molecular and granular layer of the rat cerebellar cortex as well as within Purkinje neurons.
molecular layer of cerebellar cortexunknownexistsOur study has confirmed the presence of M2 receptor in molecular and granular layer of the rat cerebellar cortex as well as within Purkinje neurons.
granule layer of cerebellumunknownexistsOur study has confirmed the presence of M2 receptor in molecular and granular layer of the rat cerebellar cortex as well as within Purkinje neurons.