Chemoarchitecture details

Reports of presence of Gly in CBX.
Reports of Gly presence in CBX, normal physiological stateOttersen O.P., Storm-Mathisen J. & Somogyi P., 1988: Colocalization of glycine-like and GABA-iike immunoreactivities in Golgi cell terminals in the rat cerebellum: a postembedding light and electron microscopic study      Data
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemispherePattern of appearance in CBX Qualitative density of Gly in CBXAnnotationCollatorMetadata
Golgi neuron, bigeverywherebilateraluniformexistsGlycine-like immunoreactivity (glycine-LI) was concentrated in Golgi cell bodies and in circularly arranged dots interpreted as Golgi cell terminals (Fig. 1A).
Purkinje neuroneverywherebilateraluniformnot presentNo glycine-LI could be detected in the Purkinje cells or in the subcortical white matter.
basket neuronmolecular layer of cerebellar cortexbilateraluniformnot presentThe molecular layer contains no glycine-LI positive structures except for a few fibrous processes (small arrows in A). The terminals of the basket (small arrowheads) and stellate cells and their respective cell bodies (large arrowheads) are glycine immunonegative...
stellate neuronmolecular layer of cerebellar cortexbilateraluniformnot presentThe molecular layer contains no glycine-LI positive structures except for a few fibrous processes (small arrows in A). The terminals of the basket (small arrowheads) and stellate cells and their respective cell bodies (large arrowheads) are glycine immunonegative...
Golgi neuron, smalleverywherebilateraluniformexistsGlycine-like immunoreactivity (glycine-LI) was concentrated in Golgi cell bodies and in circularly arranged dots interpreted as Golgi cell terminals (Fig. 1A).
cerebellar granule cellgranule layer of cerebellumbilateraluniformnot presentThe remaining cell profiles in the granule cell layer showed labelling close to background level, although the mossy fibre terminals were slightly more intensely labelled than the granule cell dendrites.