Chemoarchitecture details

Reports of presence of D3 in NOD.
Reports of D3 presence in NOD, normal physiological stateDiaz J., Levesque C. Lammers C.H., Griffon N., Martress M.-P., Schwartz J.-C. & Sokoloff P., 1995: Phenotypical characterization of neurons expressing the dopamine D3 receptor in the rat brain      Data
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemispherePattern of appearance in NOD Qualitative density of D3 in NODAnnotationCollatorMetadata
Purkinje neuroneverywherebilateraluniformexistsD3 receptor gene transcripts were found all along the entire Purkinje cell layer in lobule 10 and posterior lobule 9, as well as in patches in anterior lobule 9 (Fig. 8B, E). Microphotographs showed that the labeling corresponded to Purkinje cells, which all displayed a positive hybridization signal in lobule 10 (Fig. 8G).
 in situ hybridization data