Molecule details

Report details of GAD67 in CBX.

Reports of GAD67 presence in CBX, normal physiological stateEsclapez M., Tillakartne N.J.K., Tobin A.J. & Houser C.R., 1993: Comparative localization of mRNAs encoding two forms of glutamic acid decarboxylase with nonradioactive in situ hybridization methods      Data
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemispherePattern of appearance in CBX Qualitative density of GAD67 in CBXAnnotationCollator
Golgi neuron, smalleverywhereunknownuniformvery strongAll classes of GABA neurons in the cerebellar cortex were readily labeled for GAD67 mRNA. Virtually all Purkinje cells and Golgi cells were heavily labeled, and numerous stellate and basket cells were also convincingly labeled despite their relatively small amounts of cytoplasm (Fig. 13A,B).
 in situ hybridization data