Molecule details

Report details of CR in CBX.

Reports of CR presence in CBX, normal physiological stateFloris A., Dino M., Jacobowitz D.M. & Mugnaini E., 1994: The unipolar brush cells of the rat cerebellar cortex and cochlear nucleus are calretinin-positive: a study by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry      Data
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of CR in CBXQualitative intensity per labeled cellAnnotationCollator
Golgi neuron, smalleverywhereright hemispherelightlight/moderateSome multipolar cells, 12-20 micrometers in cell body diameter (Fig. 9 B), occurring at all levels of the granular layer (presumed Golgi type II cells), and fusiform cells, 15 micrometers in cell body diameter (Fig. 9 A), situated just beneath the Purkinje cell layer (presumed Lugaro cells; Sahin and Hockfield 1990), usually appear weakly to moderately stained.
 immunohistochemistry data