Molecule details

Report details of Gly in CBX.

Reports of Gly presence in CBX, normal physiological stateOttersen O.P., Storm-Mathisen J. & Somogyi P., 1988: Colocalization of glycine-like and GABA-iike immunoreactivities in Golgi cell terminals in the rat cerebellum: a postembedding light and electron microscopic study      Data
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemispherePattern of appearance in CBX Qualitative density of Gly in CBXAnnotationCollator
Golgi neuron, smalleverywherebilateraluniformexistsGlycine-like immunoreactivity (glycine-LI) was concentrated in Golgi cell bodies and in circularly arranged dots interpreted as Golgi cell terminals (Fig. 1A).