Reports of presence of VAS in: PVHmpd.
Physiological conditionCell pool position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of VAS in PVHmpdRelative to basalAnnotationReferenceCollator
Chemical treatment: colchicineunclearbilateralexistsnot measuredNo description availableSawchenko, P.E., Swanson, L.W. & Vale W.W., 1984

 immunohistochemistry data

Reports of molecules that coxepress with VAS in PVHmpd
Coexpressed moleculePhysiological conditionHemisphereCell population positionAverage labeled cellsStandard deviationPercentage cells/VAS labeled cellsStandard deviationRelative to basalAnnotationReferenceCollator
CRH Chemical treatment: colchicinebilateraldorsal44.000.000.00not measuredCollator note: see Table 1, page 1123 and Figure 5 page 1124.Sawchenko, P.E., Swanson, L.W. & Vale W.W., 1984
CRH Chemical treatment: polyethylene glycolbilateralunclear72.001.900.70not measuredThere was no significant increase in the number of colocalized cells in animals 18-20 hours after injections with PEG.Watts, A.G. & Sanchez-Watts, G., 1995
 immunohistochemistry data
 in situ hybridization data