brain part

Details about OLF.
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Hierarchy level in atlas Swanson, version Swanson-1998 is 5: 4 superstructures include it.

Major Subparts

Main olfactory bulbgray matter
Accessory olfactory bulbgray matter
Anterior olfactory nucleusgray matter
Taenia tectagray matter
Piriform areagray matter
Postpiriform transition areagray matter
Piriform-amygdaloid areagray matter
Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tractgray matter
Cortical nucleus of the amygdalagray matter
Tree of Olfactory areas

Cerebral cortex
Cerebral cortex, layers1-6a [cortical plate]

Inferred chemoarchitecture profile

Inferred efferent projections of Olfactory areasInferred afferent projections to Olfactory areas