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AuthorTitle of BookVolumeSeriesYearPages EditionPublisherEditorURLType of information
Swanson LWBrain Maps: Structure of the Rat BrainN/AN/A1998196-213 secondElsevierN/ANot availablebrain structures
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Wilhelm HisThe Basle Nomina AnatomicaN/AN/A189580-87;153-17 N/AWilliam Wood et comp.Chauncey et alNot availablebrain structures
G. Paxinos & C. WatsonThe Rat Brain in Stereotaxic CoordinatesN/AN/A1998150-159 FourthAcademic PressN/ANot availablebrain structures
Mai J.K., Assheuer J., Paxinos G.Atlas of the Human BrainN/AN/A1997295-328 First editionAcademic PressN/AAbstractbrain structures
Bowden D.G, Dubach M.FNeuroNames, 2002N/AN/A2002N/A 2002Neuroscience Division, Washington NRPCN/AAbstractbrain structures
Berman A.L, Jones E.G.The thalamus and basal telencephalon of the cat: a cytoarchitecture atlas with stereotaxic coordinatesN/A1982N/A University of Wisconsin Press, MadisonNot availablebrain structures
Paxinos G., Franklin K.B.J.The mouse brain in stereotaxic coordinates.200115-60 2ndAcademic PressNot availablebrain structures
Paxinos G., Watson C.The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic CoordinatesN/AN/A1986XII-XXVI 2ndAcademic PressN/ANot available
Hof P.R., Young W.G, Bloom G.E., Belichenko P.V., Cello M.R.Comparative Cytoarchitectonic Atlas of the C57BL/6 and 129/Sv Mouse BrainsN/AN/A2000N/A 1stElsevierN/ANot availablebrain structures
Swanson L.W.Brain Maps: Structure of the Rat Brain. Third EditionN/AN/A2004166-179 thirdElsevierN/ANot availablebrain structures
Palay L.S. & Chan-Palay V.Cerebellar cortex. Cytology and OrganizationN/AN/A197411-233 N/ASpringer-VerlagN/ANot available
Ramon y CajalHistology of the nervous system of man and vertebrates. Translation by Neely Swanson and Larry W. Swanson21911N/A 1stAcademic PressNot available
Rodieck R.WThe vertebrate retina19733-503 W.H. Freeman and CompanyNot available
Swanson L.W.Brain Architecture: Understanding the basic plan2004 Oxford University PressNot available
Dong H.-W.Allen Brain Atlas2007 Academic PressNot availablebrain structures
Zeman W. & Maitland Innes J.SCraigie's Neuroanatomy of the rat1963 Academic PressNot availablebrain structures
Pellegrino J.S., Pellegrino A.S. & Cushman A.J.A Stereotaxic Atlas of the Rat Brain1979 SecondPlenum PressNot availablebrain structures
Craigie E.H.An introduction to the finer anatomy of the central nervous system based upon that of the albino rat1925 . Blakiston's Son & Co.Not availablebrain structures

Book Chapters
AuthorTitle of chapterTitle of BookVolumeSeriesYearPages EditionPublisherEditorURLType of information
Dumont Y., Jacques D., St-Pierre J.-A., Tong Y., Parker R., Herzog H. & Quirion R.Neuropeptide Y, peptide YY and pancreatic polypeptide receptor proteins and mRNAs in mammalian brainPeptide Receptors, part I16Handbook of chemical neuroanatomy2000375-476 ElsevierBjorklund & HokfeltNot available
Voogd J., Jaarsma D., Marani E.The cerebellum, chemoarchitecture and anatomyHandbook of chemical neuroanatomy. Integrated systems of the CNS, part IIIN/A19961-369 ElsevierSwanson L.W., Bjorklund A. & Hokfelt TNot availablebrain structures
Alheid G.F, de Olmos J.S. & Beltramino C.A.Amygdala and extended amygdalaThe rat nervous system1995495-578 SecondAcademic PressPaxinos GNot availablebrain structures
Shipley, M.T. McLean, J.H., and Ennis, M.Olfactory systemThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995899-926 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos G.Not available
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Zilles, K., Wree, A.Cortex: areal and laminar structureThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995649-85 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos G.Not available
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Amaral, D.G., Witter, M.P.Hippocampal formationThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995443-93 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos G.Not available
Heimer L., Zahm, D.S., Alheid G.F.Basal gangliaThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995579-628 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Simerly, R.B.Anatomical substrates of hypothalamic integrationThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995353-76 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Price, J.L.ThalamusThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995629-48 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Saper, C.L.Central autonomic systemThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995107-35 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Norgren, R.Gustatory systemThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995751-68 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Ruigrok, T.J.H., Cella, F.Precerebellar nuclei and red nucleusThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995277-308 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Alheid G.f, de Olmos J.S., Beltramino C.A.Amygdala and extended amygdalaThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995495-578 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Jakab R.L., Leranth C.SeptumThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995405-442 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Voogd, J.CerebellumThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995309-350 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Fallon J.H., Loughlin S.E.Substantia nigraThe rat nervous systemN/AN/A1995215-255 2ndAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Swanson L.W.Biochemical switching in hypothalamic circuits mediating responses to stressProgress in brain research87Progress in brain research1991181-200 ElsevierHolstege G.Not available
Swanson L.W.The hypothalamusHandbook of chemical neuroanatomy519871-124 FirstElsevierBjorklund A., Hokfelt T. & Swanson L.W.Not available
Mugnaini E. & Oertel W.H.An atlas of the distribution of GABAergic neurons and terminals in the rat CNS as revealed by GAD imGABA and neuropeptides in the CNS. Part IHandbook of Chemical Neuroanatomy1985436-608 ElsevierBjorklund A. & Hokfelt T.Not available
Fallon & LoughlinSubstantia nigraThe Rat Nervous System: Forebrain and MidbrainIN/A1985353-374 FirstAcademic PressPaxinos, G.Not available
Barry G.E., Wray, S.LHRH-containing systemsHandbook of chemical neuroanatomy4(1)1985166-215 ElsevierBorklund & KokfeltNot available
de Olmos J., Alheid G.F. & Beltramino C.A.Academic PressThe rat nervous system. Volume I Forebrain and MidbrainIAmygdala1985223-334 N/AGeorge PaxinosN/ANot availablebrain structures
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Graybiel, A.M. & Ragsdale C.W.Fiber Connections of the Basal GangliaDevelopment and Chemical Specificity of NeuronsN/AN/A1979239-283 N/AElsevierKrentzberg, G.W. & Bloom F.ENot available
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Bleier R, Cohn P & Siggelkow IRA cytoarchitectonic atlas of the hypothalamus and hypothalamic third ventricle of the ratHandbook of the hypothalamusN/A1979137-220 DekkerMorgane PJ, Panksepp JNot availablebrain structures

Journal articles
AuthorsTitle of ArticleJournalYear VolumeIssuePages URLType of information
Kondo H. & Witter M.P.Topographic organization of orbitofrontal projections to the parahippocampal region in rats.J Comp Neurol20145524772-793 Abstractconnections reports
Zakiewicz I.M, Bjaalie J.G. & Leergaard T.B.Brain-wide map of efferent projections from rat barrel cortexFrontiers Neuroinf201411N/A Not availableconnections reports
Smith J.B. & Alloway K.D.Rat whisker motor cortex is subdivided into sensory-input and motor-output areasFront Neural Circuits2013N/AN/AN/A Abstractconnections reports
Mohedano-Moriano A, de la Rosa-Prieto C, Saiz-Sanchez D, Ubeda-Banon I, Pro-Sistiaga P, de Moya-Pinilla M & Martinez-Marcos A.Centrifugal telencephalic afferent connections to the main and accessory olfactory bulbsFront Neuroanat2012N/AN/AN/A Abstractconnections reports
Canteras N.S., Ribeiro-Barbosa E.R., Goto M., Cipolla-Neto J. & Swanson L.W.The retinohypothalamic tract: comparison of axonal projection patterns from four major targetsBrain Res Rev2011652150-183 Abstractconnections reports
Hoover W.B & Vertes R.PProjections of the medial orbital and ventral orbital cortex in the ratJ Comp Neurol2011519183766-3801 Abstractconnections reports
Marvin E., Scrogin K. & Dudas B.Morphology and distribution of neurons expressing serotonin 5HT1A receptors in the rat hypothalamus and the surrounding diencephalic and telencehalic areasJ Chemical Neuroanat2010N/AN/AN/A Not available
Hahn J.D., & Swanson L.W.Distinct patterns of neuronal inputs and outputs of the juxtaparaventricular and suprafornical regions of the lateral hypothalamic area in the male ratBrain Res Rev201064114-103 Abstractconnections reports
Kimura A., Imbe H. & Donishi T.Efferent connections of an auditory area in the caudal insular cortex of the rat: anatomical nodes for cortical streams of auditory processing and cross-modalsensory interactionsNeuroscience201016641140-1157 Abstractconnections reports
Poulin J-F., Arbour D., Laforest S. & Drolet G.Neuroanatomical characterization of endogenous opioids in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalisProg in Neuro-Pyschopharmacol2009N/AN/AN/A Not available
Guo J.-D., Hammack S.E., Hazra R., Levita L.& Rainnie D.G.Bi-directional modulation of bed nucleus of stria terminalis neurons by 5-HT: molecular expression and functional properties of excitatory 5-HT receptor subtypesNeuroscience200916441776-1793 Abstract
Jalabert M., Aston-Jones G., Herzog E., Manzoni O. & Georges F.Role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the control of ventral tegmental area dopamine neuronsProg Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry20093381336-1346 Abstract
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de la Rosa-Prieto C., Ubeda-Banon I., Mohedano-Moriano A., Pro-Sistiaga P., Saiz-Sanchez D., Insausti R. & Martinez-Marcos A.Subicular and CA1 hippocampal projections to the accessory olfactory bulb.Hippocampus2009192124-129 Abstractconnections reports
Colechio E.M. & Alloway K.D.Differential topography of the bilateral cortical projections to the whisker and forepaw regions in rat motor cortexBrain Struct Funct20092134-5423-439 Abstractconnections reports
Shin J.W., Geerling J.C. & Loewy A.D.Inputs to the ventrolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalisJ Comp Neurol20085114628-657 Abstractconnections reports
Shibata H & Naito J.Organization of anterior cingulate and frontal cortical projections to the retrosplenial cortex in the ratJ Comp Neurol2008506130-45 Abstractconnections reports
Liao CC & Yen CTFunctional connectivity of the secondary somatosensory cortex of the ratAnat Rec (Hoboken)20082918960-973 Abstractconnections reports
Choi D.C., Furay A.R., Evanson N.K., Ostrander M.M., Ulrich-Lai Y.M. & Herman J.P.Bed nucleus of the stria terminalissubregions differentially regulate hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis specificity: implications for the integration of limbic inputsJ Neurosci20072782025-2034 Abstract
Hammack S.E., Mania E. & Rainnie D.G.Differential expression of intrinsic membrane currents in defined cell types of the anterolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalisJ Neurophysiol2007982638-656 Abstractbrain structures
Hoover W.B. & Vertes R.PAnatomical analysis of afferent projections to the medial prefrontal cortex in the ratBrain Struct Funct20072122149-179 Abstractconnections reports
Cenquizca L.A. & Swanson L.W.Spatial organization of direct hippocampal field CA1 axonal projections to the rest of the cerebral cortexBrain Res Rev20075611-26 Abstractconnections reports
Jones B.F & Witter M.P.Cingulate cortex projections to the parahippocampal region and hippocampal formation in the ratHippocampus200717N/A957-976 Abstractconnections reports
Kerr KM, Agster KL, Furtak SC & Burwell RD.Functional neuroanatomy of the parahippocampal region: the lateral and medial entorhinal areasHippocampus2007179697-708 Abstractconnections reports
Kimura A, Donishi T, Okamoto K, Imbe H & Tamai Y.Efferent connections of the ventral auditory area in the rat cortex: implications for auditory processing related to emotionEur J Neurosci20072592819-2834 Abstractconnections reports
Pro-Sistiaga P, Mohedano-Moriano A, Ubeda-Banon I, Del Mar Arroyo-Jimenez M, Marcos P, Artacho-Perula E, Crespo C, Insausti R & Martinez-Marcos A.Convergence of olfactory and vomeronasal projections in the rat basal telencephalonJ Comp Neurol20075044346-362 Abstractconnections reports
Ubeda-Banon I, Novejarque A, Mohedano-Moriano A, Pro-Sistiaga P, de la Rosa-Prieto C, Insausti R, Martinez-Garcia F, Lanuza E & Martinez-Marcos AProjections from the posterolateral olfactory amygdala to the ventral striatum: neural basis for reinforcing properties of chemical stimuliBMC Neurosci20078N/A103 Abstractconnections reports
Dong H.-W. & Swanson L.W.Projections from bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anteromedial area: cerebral hemisphere integration of neuroendocrine, autonomic, and behavioral aspects of energy balanceJ Comp Neurol20064941142-148 Abstractconnections reports
Geerling J.C., Kawata, M., Saper C.B.Aldosterone-sensitive neurons in the central nervous system of the ratJ Comp Neurol20064944515-527 Abstract
Poulin A.N., Guerci A., El Mestikawy S. & Semba K.Vesicular glutamate transporter 3 immunoreactivity is present in cholinergic basal forebrain neurons projecting to the basolateral amygdala in ratJ Comp Neurol20064985690-711 Abstract
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Ivanova E. & Muler F.Retinal bipolar cells differ in their inventory of ion channelsVis Neurosci2006232143-154 Abstract
Larriva-Sahd J.Histological and cytological study of the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis in adult rat. II. Oval nucleus: extrinsic inputs, cell types, neuropil, and neuronal modulesJ Comp Neurol20064975772-807 Abstract
Goto M., Canteras N.S., Burns G.A.P.C. & Swasnon L.W.Projections from the subfornical regions of the lateral hypothalamic areaJ Comp Neurol20054935412-438 Abstractconnections reports
Zaborszky L., Buhl D.L., Pobalashingham S., Bjaalie J.G. & Nadasdy Z.Three-dimensional chemoarchitecture of the basal forebrain: spatially specific association of cholinergic and calcium binding protein-containing neuronsNeuroscience20051363697-713 Abstract
Jones B.F., Groenewegen H.J. & Witter M.P.Intrinsic connections of the cingulate cortex in the rat suggest the existence of multiple functionally segregated networksNeuroscience2005133N/A193-207 Abstractconnections reports
Santiago AC &Shammah-Lagnado SJ.Afferent connections of the amygdalopiriform transition area in the ratJ Comp Neurol20054893349-371 Abstractconnections reports
Dong H. & Swanson L.W.Projections from bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, dorsomedial nucleus: implications for cerebral hemipshere integration for neuroendocrine, autonomic and drinking responsesJ Comp Neurol2005N/AN/AN/A Abstractconnections reports
Dong H. & Swanson L.W.Projections from bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, magnocellular nucleus: implications for cerebral hemisphere regulation of micturition, defecation, and penile erectionJ Comp Neurol2005N/AN/AN/A Abstractconnections reports
Cenquizca L.A & Swanson L.W.An Analysis of direct hippocampal cortical field CA1 axonal projections to diencephalon in the ratJ Comp Neurol2005N/AN /AN/A Abstractconnections reports
Wang Y, Toledo-Rodriguez M, Gupta A, Wu C., Silberberg G., Luo J., Markram H.Anatomical, phyiosological and molecular properties of Martinotti cells in the somatosensory cortex of the juvenile ratJ Physiol2004561165-90 Abstract
Markram H., Toledo-Rodriguez M., Wang Y., Gupta A., Silberberg G., Wu C.Interneurons of the neocortical inhibitory systemNat Rev Neurosci2004510793-807 Abstract
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Shibata H., Kondo S. & Naito J.Organization of retrosplenial cortical projections to the anterior cingulate, motor, and prefrontal cortices in the ratNeurosci Res20044811-11 Not availableconnections reports
Majak K., Ronkko S., Kemppainen S. & Pitkanen A.Projections from the amygdaloid complex to the piriform cortex: A PHA-L study in the ratJ Comp Neurol20044764414-428 Abstractconnections reports
Santiago A.C. & Shammah-Lagnado S.J.Efferent connections of the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract in the ratJ Comp Neurol20044713314-332 Abstractconnections reports
Kimura A., Donishi T., Okamoto K & Tamai Y.Efferent connections of posterodorsal auditory area in the rat cortex: implications for auditory spatial processingNeuroscience20041282399-419 Abstractconnections reports
Dong H.W., Swanson L.W.Projections from bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, posterior division: implications for cerebral hemisphere regulation of defensive and reproductive behaviors.J Comp Neurol20044714396-433 Abstractconnections reports
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Dong H-W., Swanson L.W.Projections from the rhomboid nucleus of the bed nuclei of stria terminalis: implications for cerebral hemipshere regulation of ingestive behaviorsJ Comp Neurol20044634434-472 Abstractconnections reports
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Goto M., Swanson L.W., Canteras N.S.Connections of the nucleus incertusJ Comp Neurol2001438186-122 Abstractconnections reports
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Dong H., Petrovich G.D., Swanson L.W.Organization of projections from the juxtacapsular nucleus of the BST: a PHAL study in the ratBrain Res200085911-14 Abstractconnections reports
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Behan M. & Haberly L.B.Intrinsic and efferent connections of the endopiriform nucleus in ratJ Comp Neurol19994084522-548 Abstractconnections reports
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*: There is additional information regarding brain structures, but not in a defining nomenclature.

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